
DJ Outlaw HD

Outlaw Productions

Virtual DJ Service

In 2020, Covid 19 forced the World into quarantine and lockdown. With this came the advent of virtual parties and celebrations. DJ Outlaw HD encourages our followers to stay safe by continuing to practice social distancing and wearing your face masks. We also recommend using our Virtual DJ Service for your next virtual gig. Alternatively, you can simply continue to download your mixes from this site. However, with our Virtual DJ Service, your playlists can be updated in real time, thereby putting the "live" into your virtual party.

Stay safe and healthy in 2021!

DJ Outlaw HD

Wax vs CDs

I remember when we first started to use CDs instead of records. I was amongst the first in the BVI to do so. Back then we didn't have very sophisticated players with features like pitch control, looping, etc. and the top DJs like Ice Kid and Commodore resented the migration from wax for a long time. Now CDs are becoming a thing of the past, with 99% of the DJs using MP3 files on Macs or PCs with feature-rich controllers.

I want to know what people think. Do you miss the vinyl? Do you think that something is missing when a DJ shows up at a gig with just a laptop?

Share your views...

No. 1 Mobile DJ Service

Welcome to DJ Outlaw's website! We've been in the music entertainment business for well over 20 years and we continue to offer our clients in the British Virgin Islands a top notch, state of the art service at a reasonable price.